Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Research Methods

Research is an important skill that is required for analysis at undergraduate level. It is a never-ending exercise for knowledge accumulation. The University of Bradford defines research as a process of investigation done methodically and systematically, to find a solution to problems and discover knowledge.

Types of Research

Research of a field with no previous studies and objective is to provide a foundation for further research.
This type of research deduces specific characteristics or elements of a particular field.
Is an extension of descriptive research that evaluates as to why an incident occurs.
Is a speculation of a future occurrence based on analyzing evidence.

Approaches to Doing Research

The findings are difficult to present and interpret. It is involves in investigating the subjective aspects of a research area, like values, opinions.
This concentrates on measuring and analyzing numerical data to come with statistical presentations.
Deductive research digs from the bigger picture deeper into the minor details.
Opposite of deductive research, moves from a specific theory to a more general theory.
Performed , to simply improve one’s knowledge.
Applied research involves application of the findings to a particular scenario.

Other Approaches
  • Experimental research
  • Causal-comparative research
  • Co relational research
  • Historical research

The Scientific Method for research
  1.              Identify Problem
  2.       Create a hypothesis
  3.       Develop a Research Plan
  4.             Data Collection and Analysis
  5.             Frequently perform step 1

Research Methodology for My FYP

Source; Author’s Work (2014)

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